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Problema con Pquete Waves-Cubase 5

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Hola gente como andan? bueno les comento, estaba con una mezcla de una cancion (que por suerte la pude terminar) y estaba utilizando el paquete waves 5.0, hasta ahi todo normal, la cuestion es que consegui el paquete Waves Complete 8.0, el que trae el maserati, lo instale y cuando abro el proyecto SOLO ESE PROYECTO me dice que Cubase dejo de funcionar y debe cerrarse, trato de abrir los backups y lo mismo.


Intente con desinstalar el waves reciente y me sigue pasando lo mismo...que puede ser? los vsts estan fallados? la memoria ram no alcanza???


Tengo un Intel Core i5

4gb RAM

64 bits


Si alguien puede darme una mano le agradeceria de mucho

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Mmm bueno y como logro ese puente?? O donde se consigue?


Hay varias aplicaciones que cumplen esa funcion.



Estas usando la version 32 o 64 de Waves??? Probablemente tengas que usar la de 32 con ese puente. O probar.


Te dejo un articulo en ingles, sacado de la página de Steinberg



Using 32-bit plug-ins on 64-bit systems

Although 64-bit Operating Systems and Hosts are currently the norm, you might need to use older plug-ins for backward compatibility or a particular VSTi which has been discontinued.


Cubase comes with a VST Bridge meant to make the transition to 64-bit systems easier, but the internal bridge cannot cope with some 3rd party 32-bit plug-ins and although Steinberg plug-ins are mostly bridged correctly, the outcome of bridging is pretty much system-dependent.


As of now, you have various options to choose from to deal with this situation:

  • Ditch old 32-bit plug-ins and find native 64-bit replacements. This is indeed the easiest solution to manage (system-wise), but replacing several plug-ins in existing projects might be cumbersome.
  • Use the internal VST Bridge if applicable with reliable results. Usually, it will work fine with most older Steinberg plug-ins, but as stated above the outcome might vary, especially with 3rd party plug-ins.
  • Use jBridge. jBridge is an inexpensive third-party solution for bridging. It has several user-selectable options which allow for very good results with some experimentation and tweaking. jBridge website...
  • Use the 32-bit version of Cubase along the current 64-bit installation. 

    This option is only recommended, when you don't use sample libraries, orchestral templates or memory intensive VST Instruments. A quick reminder: a 32-bit application can only address 4 GB of RAM on a 64-bit OS.


    Still, it is a viable (and possibly the best) option to open older projects that were completed with a 32-bit version of Cubase.


    On Windows, both versions of Cubase can be installed and used separately.


    On Mac OS X, any installation since Cubase 6 can be used as 32- or 64-bit application. Instructions on how to switch the bit mode of an application under Mac OS X can be found here.

In all cases mentioned above, a logic and clean folder organization will allow you to reliably bridge where needed and get rid of the additional software when the need for a bridge no longer exists. 

Edited by Charly Lucena
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